At the National Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association conference in New Orleans, I chaired and presented on a panel about using Infographics in the Composition Classroom. My presentation focused on using infographics as supplemental materials for assignment sheets and I discussed how students used these infographics throughout the semester. The other two panelists discussed how using infographics as an assignment lead to students changing their writing process and conceiving writing in new ways. All in all it was a very successful panel that lead to a very good discussion about using visual texts in the composition classroom and how to navigate students’ expectations regarding non-traditional writing assignments. My fellow panelists and I discussed the possibility of exploring these ideas further and collaborating on an article, and, after a suggestion from an audience member, collecting our infographic resources on a website for other instructors interested in utilizing infographics in the classroom. In this panel and the others I attended, I learned a lot about the variety of teaching practices others are incorporating into their classes and ways to relate information to this current generation of students.